Sunday, January 20, 2008

This site is dedicated to the summer that I spent working in Yosemite National Park, CA collecting bees and seeing the sights! I arrived in May, shortly following the completion of finals. I had no idea of the beauty that was in store for me. There was a great deal of precipitation during the winter preceding my spring arrival, which meant amazing waterfalls, raging rivers, and potentially treacherous backcountry trips. It was amazing! This is a photograph of my first day out and about the park. It was chilly and damp.

The valley, a normally busy part of the park, was almost deserted during our first few weeks there. It was a great time to experience this part of the park, amidst a rare silence. (This is a very developed and excessively used part of the park.)

I was amazed by the size of the Great Sequoias and the prevalence of the Bears.

This was the bee crew of 2005 (minus Eureka unfortunately!)

This was my lovely home for the summer. Amazingly, this 35 dollar deal remained water proof for the entire summer! Following that, it fell apart of course.

The wildlife checking us out in Hetch Hetchy.